Half Past Seven.: November 2005

Saturday, November 26, 2005

We miss the Best, and I miss Shadow.

The Best has gone.

George Best has gone today. He's the most gifted footballer from the United Kingdom (pity he's not an English but a Northern Irish, or else I do think he got the World Cup medal already), that I know when I am very young. Dont get me wrong, I haven't born when he was a footballer.

Best is the dribbling genius, the wing wizard, the wide boy, from footballing terms. I love Chris Waddle and Ryan Giggs, coz they are all this kind of footballer. And I am never a dribbler in ground, so I specially like to watch and enjoy this kinds of players. My regret is, I born too late to really watch Best's best moments, I can just watched the past DVD to see how good he is.

He has a good enjoyable and memorable short life. His skill is so good that born to be a star, he's handsome, he's rich, and he has been wif so many gals and women u won't count all, he drank a whole lot till every part of his body totally broken down. He is, simply a legend. And he's the number 7 from of Manchester United in the 60's. I love Ryan Giggs much, but Giggs is just a half clone from George Best. If u know football, u know what i mean.

I am in company's canteen when I got known he's dead. I am holding my sandwish and stand still in front of the TV wif E. I am sad inside, Best weights less than 90 pounds at the end. I dont understand why such a legend died at only 59-yrs-old. Maybe God envy him.

I miss u, Best. I have checked yr news everyday in Soccernet when u r in hospital these weeks, coz I want to read that u recover again but good news never come out. U ended the golden period of 60's and 70's football.

May peace be with u. Your name says it all.


And I steal many songs from Ho's iPod tonite. I am listening to DJ Shadow now. And I think of my Touch's days.

Our team was strong, very strong in that days, much stronger than any magazine nowadays: Mandy the-editor-now-Detective-wife always set us free, Detective the crazy fun and chaos maker, Joel the mod guy (but he's fat now), B the gadget expert, Johnny the older round one, and me.

Even we band together so well just like bros, but our music tastes differ a whole lot: there are no MP3 in those days u must know, we just got a CD player, which is a gift from some company for reader but we keep it in office. Detective always play Ben Folds Five, Joel is hardcore for Oasis, B ok he dont listen to music, Johnny dreams he's the Metallica's drummer, and at that time, I am into DJ Shadow.

So when I listen back Lonely Soul from Psyence Fiction and Guns Blazing live from Shadow tonite, those days come back totally: the day we stay at kowloon bay overnite only to wait for enemy Easyfinder available at Wednesday morning, the day we steal food coupons from boss's drawer, the days we smoke all boss' cigarettes secretly but buy him back the wrong brand, the day we overnites everyday and wake at 3pm but go back office only for tea eating...


Those were the days that I never regret.

Friday, November 25, 2005

A genius' work.

I am messing around with one of my beloved designer Snake Ming (don't let me told others that why I call u this, ok?), to urge another designer of this generation, Fay, to draw me, and what u see is the result (he just draw freehand in between his overnight work). Genius he is.

I must be grateful I have the opportunity to get know these three designers: Fay, Ming and Joe. All 3 r not the small fishes in the little poll. My old saying: when I sit besides one designer for 5 mins, I know well what they can do. And so I know well who can do it and who can't. They can.

Ok, Fay, I am wearing Clarks but not Birkenstock anymore when I stay late in office, and I have neck, pls revise yr drawing. And Snake Ming, it's your turn to do it now. I am waiting for something in your style. U know, I am crazier than what u think, check that guestbook if u r not a good boy...And Joe, don't be lazy, do what I ask u to...

Thx mates.

i am happy tonite, reassure I know u all 3, in different stages of my life.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Let's be the cast in South Park.

From a frd's recommend, I go to play this good-time-killing-self-drawing game.

And this must be me, if I am one of the cast in South Park.

Special thanks must be given to:

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Trust me, Segway is funny and meaningful.

Some old tall frd sms me yesterday, we have some happy stupid time together in the past (b4 we lost contact for quite some time).

From his blog, I am so grateful he find someone of his already (the 3rd of my frds that told me they will get marry very soon, holy...), and will move to Aus. I am really happy for them, though I didn't know who his gf is, to be precise.

And then I think of the stupid-boys-unrealistic-dream again. When we are young, we all want to be an intellectual, someone others will remember, or even a cult icon (tall boy, u know it). The point is, the world molds us so much, and we need to eat, let alone paying rent and whole lots of daily expenses. Then we got to learn the meaning of compromise.

Compromise is not a bad word, after u learn it. At least we are stepping on the ground now, at least I enjoy pulp fictions and blockblaster movies and canton pop now. Yes, it's our world. We cannot not join in. And if u really need to join in, pls carry a smiling face to join. That's really what I've learned after 8 yrs working life.

And so when I step onto the new toy from Segway today, I am really happy. From the functional aspect, I do think it's the most meaningful and innovative invention, after Google's birth on 1995.

The experience is, step on it, learn to control and communicate with it (which is so easy u won't believe), then enjoy it. I just like the simpleness and enjoyment it brings me.

Yes, get it simple and just go enjoy. If life is like that, how can u complain anymore?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Steve Jobs: You've got to find what you love.

It's not something new. I find this speech from my idol Steve Jobs monthes ago, and I always bear in mind about what he said. Then I sent to some of my frds, and more of my frds ask me for that, so I post the whole one here.

It's the best speech I have ever heard. Hope everyone understand what Mr. Jobs said. I do think the whole world will be more lovely then.

(Steve Jobs 在2005年6月12日對全體史丹佛大學畢業生的演講內容)



我在里德學院(Reed college)待了六個月就辦休學了。到我退學前,一共休學了十八個月。那麼,我為什麼休學?






這一點也不浪漫。我沒有宿舍,所以我睡在友人家裡的地板上,靠著回收可樂空罐的五先令退費買吃的,每個星期天晚上得走七哩的路繞過大半個鎮去印度教的HareKrishna 神廟吃頓好料。我喜歡Hare Krishna神廟的好料。追尋我的好奇與直覺,我所駐足的大部分事物,後來看來都成了無價之寶。


當時里德學院有著大概是全國最好的書法指導。在整個校園內的每一張海報上,每個抽屜的標籤上,都是美麗的手寫字。因為我休學了,可以不照正常選課程序來,所以我跑去學書法。我學了serif與san serif 字體,學到在不同字母組合間變更字間距,學到活版印刷偉大的地方。書法的美好、歷史感與藝術感是科學所無法捕捉的,我覺得那很迷人。




我好運-年輕時就發現自己愛做什麼事。我二十歲時,跟Steve Wozniak在我爸媽的車庫裡開始了蘋果電腦的事業。我們拼命工作,蘋果電腦在十年間從一間車庫裡的兩個小夥子擴展成了一家員工超過四千人、市價二十億美金的公司,在那之前一年推出了我們最棒的作品-麥金塔,而我才剛邁入人生的第三十個年頭,然後被炒魷魚。


有幾個月,我實在不知道要幹什麼好。我覺得我令企業界的前輩們失望-我把他們交給我的接力棒弄丟了。我見了創辦HP的David Packard跟創辦Intel的Bob Noyce,跟他們說我很抱歉把事情搞砸得很厲害了。我成了公眾的非常負面示範,我甚至想要離開矽谷。



接下來五年,我開了一家叫做 NeXT的公司,又開一家叫做Pixar的公司,也跟後來的老婆談起了戀愛。Pixar接著製作了世界上第一部全電腦動畫電影,玩具總動員,現在是世界上最成功的動畫製作公司。然後,蘋果電腦買下了NeXT,我回到了蘋果,我們在NeXT發展的技術成了蘋果電腦後來復興的核心。我也有了個美妙的家庭。
















在我年輕時,有本神奇的雜誌叫做 Whole Earth Catalog,當年我們很迷這本雜誌。那是一位住在離這不遠的Menlo Park的Stewart Brand發行的,他把雜誌辦得很有詩意。那是1960年代末期,個人電腦跟桌上出版還沒發明,所有內容都是打字機、剪刀跟拍立得相機做出來的。雜誌內容有點像印在紙上的Google,在Google出現之前35年就有了:理想化,充滿新奇工具與神奇的註記。

Stewart跟他的出版團隊出了好幾期Whole Earth Catalog,然後出了停刊號。當時是1970年代中期,我正是你們現在這個年齡的時候。








Friday, November 18, 2005


Winter comes, 5 all time brands throughout my life.

1, Duffer Of St George,
2, 45RPM,
3, One True Saxon,
4, Double RL,
5, Muji.

I hope Hong Kong won't have summer from now on. I hate melting.

I haven't write for so long.

I haven't write a word for totally 2 weeks now. And I re-confirm that, I love writing. When I have to write a lot every day in the past, I hate writing so much; but when I have no chance to write now (even it's just trashy mass wordings), it reminds me how i miss writing. And I really hope I can meet Alan Zeman next week, for myself and for responsibility, he must be a very clever man to talk to and to write about.

When I have no chance to write, I watch Jamie Oliver's DVD at home alone, then I am happy and satisfied. There must be some relationship between writing and Jamie the chef, I need some time to figure out what it is.

P.S. Thx for the book from someone. I enjoy reading it, very much.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Pls don't call me a betrayal.

I am a Mac man.

I love Mac computer much more than PC. I love Steve Job's character much more than the richest man Bill Gates. I think Mac's OS is much user-friendly than PC's. That is, I love Mac coz I love the more clever one.

My first computer, that I buy when I even don't know what a computer can do, is an Apple IIe. I am in primary school. The milky white color Mac used to use, molds my love and hatred of color scheme from that day. Yes, Mac is just subtly cool, if u look at it carefully.

But at the end, I bought a Dell PC which will be delivered to me next week. There r mainly 2 points for me to make such a decision.

1) for my lovely iPod. All u iPod-users know that, if u r using a PC at office but using a Mac at home, your iPod can't connect to both platform well. I can't push my company to change a Mac for me in office (that I ask for many times), then I have to compromise;

2) for the display ability of chinese. Mac, even how I love it, can't display chinese language well on desktop (and some scroll bar of some websites). That's one of the deadly disadvantage of Mac, even till now.

Of course, PC still has some bonus when u utilities it fully, like BT, like PPlive etc all those ethically illegal stuffs. That is, PC is much more evil than Mac, and I finally choose to use (I will never use the word "love" for PC) something evil at home. And I am very evil now...

This writing is for the memory of my iMac which besides me for over 5 years. Pls don't call me a betrayal, or else my iMac and I both will hug together and cry. Thank you very much.

photo caption(1): my first Apple IIe
photo caption(2): iMac with me for over 5 yrs (mine is a red one)
photo caption(3): My coming evil Dell, 19" LCD mon is even bigger than my TV.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

311005-081105, 5 boys r wif me again.

I am grateful I have holiday last week and 5 boys r all wif me. No matter what's N's unreasonable reason to ask me to look after doggy boys, I agree and do it.

There's always fools in the world that don't think clear in mind what's rite and what's wrong, what's important and what's not. I am glad I am not the one. I wish boys r all enjoying the short days wif me, even though they have to listen to too much Cheers, 500 and J.


Holidays for me, is busier than normal working days. Yes, I have too much to do packed within 1 week. My best frd has also lots of unpredictable weird experiences during these 7 days (like go to police office for stupid reason that I can't stop laugh. He's really my best frd that always entertain me, and he's such a good person as well).

Anyway, we work hard for what we want, we are coz we do.


Am I lonely and unhappy and unsatisfied? Yes I am and No I am not. Yes coz I am working alone, pass my day alone, working hard for my own; No coz I know growth is not an easy task. Growth is to do it, even when the real situation is totally fucked. I eventually know what is mature now--keep your mouth shit, just do it.


Boys are waiting for Mummy now. Tomorrow morning some boys I luv (Casey and Ceska) will leave. I don't want to go sleep till then, afraid I can't touch them and hug them and bite them and kiss them, after i fall asleep.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Furniture of the year.

I love furniture and I love fonts (fonts for me are the most attractive element of graphix design). I am not lying, I have think of producing furniture in fonts shape b4 (I can't do it of coz due to shortage of money capital), but Set26 of Swissland did it.

26 letters they provide (I am not that happy they don't provide numbers, and of coz I wanna order number 7!), with several colors and u can get whatever words by your own. Obviously it's my furniture for 2005. Hope other fonts will be added by them, apart from Helvetica which most easily produced (I want Cooper Black! I want Cooper Black!!).

The last pix is my stool of the year: Pantone produces color scheme stool. And it's a pity they just have 4 colors now for web order (all are variations of color yellow, you are yellow lover, you must love it, rite?). I want green and bungundy and grey, that they don't have. All in all, it's already comes up on my list for the X'mas gift for myself (though it's quite expensive actually), and my Pantone-Ryan-McGinness-Supreme-skatebroad needs a partner, or else he will be too bored.

Wake up by N's sudden phone call at early morning makes me feel not so good whole day, so, gdnite.

On 021105, I go with Cowy to Joey Yung's last nite concert.

It's a good concert and a good nite.

I love Joey Yung coz she's not pretty but being one of the biggest star now in HK, I love Joey Yung coz she loves to sing and she can sing well. I love Joey Yung coz she loves to sing and can do what she likes for her career. Actually, I want to be Joey Yung, and everyone wants to be Joey Yung. She works hard, no matter what cost she has to pay (u all know what I mean), and she succeeds.

The show, especially the last nite, has every element to be a good show: clever arrangement of run-down, clever picking of songs being performed, clever encore moment, clever picking of guest appearance (the sad Wong Kit and one of her mentor), singing wholeheartedly, dancing wholeheartedly. Yes, I just love mass concert like this, when I got older and older. Like I love more and more hollywood blockblaster movies when I got older, that I hate most when I am young and studing in film school. Human changes, I am human, and so I am changed, too.

I must admitted that, many time when I am listening to her performance, I am touched. I almost cry out when she sings for several songs. When I choose to join Easyfinder, I know well I have changed inside. Mass is something, it means some kinds of collective enjoyment, and niche is nothing, at all.

Hope the freshing and bright and lovely Cowy enjoys like I am. Hope she has a good nite too.

3 songs below, melodies all so good and pop in quality, lyrics are written in a manner I should learn to write my words: direct yet in-depth yet touching: one is I like most, one is someone told me to listen b4, and one is what I think in this moment.

Gdnite and sweet dream.


誰明白我想 想一覺熟睡
誰料我竟 參加這派對

若是那種 自問怕累

*如若我肯 撫心去自問
 其實我想 得到你一吻
 然後你承認我 我是誰的候任

 但是我想 並沒有問
 其實你這壞人 從來未為女生虔誠認真*



其實我想 躲於你附近
其實我想 賭賭我命運


心淡 容祖兒


想不起 怎麼會病到不分好歹
我每日捱著 不睬不理
但卻捱不死 又去癡纏你
都要這麼 不可爭一口氣

*很謙卑 只不過是我太過愛你
 跌到極麻木 只好相信
 又再爬得起 就會有轉機
 若我不懂憎你 如何離別你

#由這一分鐘開始計起 春風秋雨間
 恨(限)我對你以半年時間 慢慢的心淡
 付清 賬單

 一天一點傷心過 這一百數十晚
 大概也夠我 送我來回地獄又折返人間
 春天分手 秋天會習慣

只愛自己 雖說不太習慣
畢竟有限 就當 過關



一出街 能重遇你不禁心中暗喜
一轉身 為何又有一個分身的你
這裡有你 那裡有你

彷彿將 藏在下意識中黑盒揭起
鎖起的 舊愛記憶集體傾巢逃離
四百個你 八百個你
企滿行人路裡 步步露殺機

無謂太過 我欠你什麼這麼迫我
你不是那一天 已撇下我麼
還是我 被害後幻像太多

*怎麼我眼內 人人像你 人人是你
 沿途萬里 完全被封鎖
 前方街角尚有幾多個 徘徊著
 未散的 靈魂在共我拍拖
 你的分身 怎麼緊貼著我

還是以前的事 不捨得的一個是我

小小的提示 亦會將你清楚記起
不小心 望見某君像你一堂濃眉
看進眼裡 也變作你

無謂太過 我欠你什麼苦苦追我
你不是那一天 已撇下我麼
還是我 極念舊 後患太多


還是以前的事 最拋不低的那是我

沒有人懲罰我 完全是我 難平復淒楚
徘徊著 未散的 靈魂在共我拍拖
那些追憶 本可一躍就過
其實滿懷執著 不甘心的一個是我

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

We are all Duffer.

I just love Duffer Of St George from day 1.

Duffer, if u wanna know the meaning, means the one who is Stupid. It's a subtle brand that combines England's tradition with American college style (or Ivy League stuffs, if u want naming and iconing).

If u like english football, vintage stuffs, fonts, brit-pop music, color of green and brown, london, nerd, geek, Rayban-type thick black or horn-rim glasses etc, Duffer is undoubtedly your choice.

I always think Tomas Chan the famous stylist is a fan of Duffer. I also have seen the famous culture icon Lam Yik Wah wearing the same Duffer classic zip-up hoodie as what I am wearing when I came across him someday. Yes, Duffer means extra somethings to me, or us.

N knows well how I love Duffer (that I wear XL and at the closed Ad Hoc shop by Joyce they have only L clothings from Duffer, I still buy them without thought). If there is no Duffer in the world, there won't be Slam City Skate, Holmes, 6876, Silas, One True Saxon, Gimme Five, the Hideout shop, Jamie Oliver style, Tonite and Pam.

And I am real glad Duffer finally have online ordering now. So apart from, I can order them at

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Yes, I am 30mething now. And I remember how the minimal cult of us 30's built up, which stems the root at the 80's.

80's is the period of bad taste. Loudness, big logos, color of gold, big padded shoulder, all makes me sick (of coz, if someone is flirting with bad taste, like Jeremy Scott the icon man of that, it's another story coz it contains creativity inside). But for me, never. Just like the new term "bling bling", is nothing but bad taste.

So when we are young as students, we are so excited: when Muji finally come HK, hillside A.P.C. small shops, all those Go-Stanley-GapChino&PocketT-Hunting-Saturday-trip, RRL shop opened in TST, Joyce warehouse wandering for Helmut Lang off seasons stuffs, asking friends to buy Carhartt Europe when they go London, go Tokyo buy the best jeans of 45RPM silently, Urban Outfitter being the only must visit shop when I go US (and the hk copy-cat version still do some goodness for the mass, if I have to conclude), water shops' introduction of Silas and One True Saxon collections, Tom of Tom (it's the famous hk stylist Tomas Chan's own clothing shop! Mr.Stephen Chow is a fan, and Max of Dusty being salesman there b4!) shop opened in Style House (with a big egg and a grass ground as window display, which still infulencing Jan Lamb), Shopaholic shop opened in Yui Wah street (don't tell me u don't know this nice shop, which closed in pity yrs already, a shop we should support till we die), Duffer Of St George and 6876 (still) being low-key must have, MM hits I.T, and the final coming of Kitsune at Dmop (trust me, top quality fabric as well as top class subtle graphix).

Because of 80's ugliness, we want to go the other way: as subtle as we can. Fashion is nothing for us, we just need clothings, fine quality daily clothings, to state precisely.

And AA that haunted me for over 3 years, finally can be ordered by web. AA for me, is a funny sexy yet more colourful version of affordable Helmet Lang (look at the vest and bags and wind jackets then u will know what I mean).

Yes, for daily use of clothes, I just need them to be plain.