A genius' work.

I am messing around with one of my beloved designer Snake Ming (don't let me told others that why I call u this, ok?), to urge another designer of this generation, Fay, to draw me, and what u see is the result (he just draw freehand in between his overnight work). Genius he is.
I must be grateful I have the opportunity to get know these three designers: Fay, Ming and Joe. All 3 r not the small fishes in the little poll. My old saying: when I sit besides one designer for 5 mins, I know well what they can do. And so I know well who can do it and who can't. They can.
Ok, Fay, I am wearing Clarks but not Birkenstock anymore when I stay late in office, and I have neck, pls revise yr drawing. And Snake Ming, it's your turn to do it now. I am waiting for something in your style. U know, I am crazier than what u think, check that guestbook if u r not a good boy...And Joe, don't be lazy, do what I ask u to...
Thx mates.
i am happy tonite, reassure I know u all 3, in different stages of my life.
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