Pls don't call me a betrayal.

I am a Mac man.
I love Mac computer much more than PC. I love Steve Job's character much more than the richest man Bill Gates. I think Mac's OS is much user-friendly than PC's. That is, I love Mac coz I love the more clever one.
My first computer, that I buy when I even don't know what a computer can do, is an Apple IIe. I am in primary school. The milky white color Mac used to use, molds my love and hatred of color scheme from that day. Yes, Mac is just subtly cool, if u look at it carefully.
But at the end, I bought a Dell PC which will be delivered to me next week. There r mainly 2 points for me to make such a decision.
1) for my lovely iPod. All u iPod-users know that, if u r using a PC at office but using a Mac at home, your iPod can't connect to both platform well. I can't push my company to change a Mac for me in office (that I ask for many times), then I have to compromise;
2) for the display ability of chinese. Mac, even how I love it, can't display chinese language well on desktop (and some scroll bar of some websites). That's one of the deadly disadvantage of Mac, even till now.
Of course, PC still has some bonus when u utilities it fully, like BT, like PPlive etc all those ethically illegal stuffs. That is, PC is much more evil than Mac, and I finally choose to use (I will never use the word "love" for PC) something evil at home. And I am very evil now...
This writing is for the memory of my iMac which besides me for over 5 years. Pls don't call me a betrayal, or else my iMac and I both will hug together and cry. Thank you very much.
photo caption(1): my first Apple IIe
photo caption(2): iMac with me for over 5 yrs (mine is a red one)
photo caption(3): My coming evil Dell, 19" LCD mon is even bigger than my TV.
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