Furniture of the year.

I love furniture and I love fonts (fonts for me are the most attractive element of graphix design). I am not lying, I have think of producing furniture in fonts shape b4 (I can't do it of coz due to shortage of money capital), but Set26 of Swissland did it.
26 letters they provide (I am not that happy they don't provide numbers, and of coz I wanna order number 7!), with several colors and u can get whatever words by your own. Obviously it's my furniture for 2005. Hope other fonts will be added by them, apart from Helvetica which most easily produced (I want Cooper Black! I want Cooper Black!!).
The last pix is my stool of the year: Pantone produces color scheme stool. And it's a pity they just have 4 colors now for web order (all are variations of color yellow, you are yellow lover, you must love it, rite?). I want green and bungundy and grey, that they don't have. All in all, it's already comes up on my list for the X'mas gift for myself (though it's quite expensive actually), and my Pantone-Ryan-McGinness-Supreme-skatebroad needs a partner, or else he will be too bored.
Wake up by N's sudden phone call at early morning makes me feel not so good whole day, so, gdnite.
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