Trust me, Segway is funny and meaningful.

Some old tall frd sms me yesterday, we have some happy stupid time together in the past (b4 we lost contact for quite some time).
From his blog, I am so grateful he find someone of his already (the 3rd of my frds that told me they will get marry very soon, holy...), and will move to Aus. I am really happy for them, though I didn't know who his gf is, to be precise.
And then I think of the stupid-boys-unrealistic-dream again. When we are young, we all want to be an intellectual, someone others will remember, or even a cult icon (tall boy, u know it). The point is, the world molds us so much, and we need to eat, let alone paying rent and whole lots of daily expenses. Then we got to learn the meaning of compromise.
Compromise is not a bad word, after u learn it. At least we are stepping on the ground now, at least I enjoy pulp fictions and blockblaster movies and canton pop now. Yes, it's our world. We cannot not join in. And if u really need to join in, pls carry a smiling face to join. That's really what I've learned after 8 yrs working life.
And so when I step onto the new toy from Segway today, I am really happy. From the functional aspect, I do think it's the most meaningful and innovative invention, after Google's birth on 1995.
The experience is, step on it, learn to control and communicate with it (which is so easy u won't believe), then enjoy it. I just like the simpleness and enjoyment it brings me.
Yes, get it simple and just go enjoy. If life is like that, how can u complain anymore?
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