Color black in the month of Christmas.

I have just started my 30mething life for not long, and have to start facing death.
Of coz it's not something to be happy. My Grandmum passed away in 1/5/05 that I still feeling something missing out inside my body. And then I receive a email from my bro, that one of the influential teachers when we are in secondary school (yes, my bro and I studied in the same primary and secondary school as well), committed suicide yesterday.
Mr. Kong is a great teacher as far as I know. He's so pride that his english was so good, his life was just so english gentleman (he once told me he has a castle in England, a CASTLE!), and he has own a horse here in Hong Kong--all that old traditional intellectual gentleman should have to do during one's life.
And Mr. Kong is so harsh as a teacher, or to be precise, so harsh as a person. He will never praise someone if one's english is not good enough (that means, he always look down at someone when one's english is poor, ok?). Of coz when we are young, we all think that he's a very difficult person. But when I am grown, and I find that my written english is not that poor, I can know how his harshness give us advantage.
Ok, I am not one always-attend-secondary-school-reunion-man. But I still hear some weird news about Mr. Kong during recently years. What I think is that, who cares, as long as he himself is happy. That's his way to choose how his life should be. And no one can blame whatever he do, coz u r not him.
But I am still pity he choose to commit suicide at the end. He has everything and he wants to end everything, that must have some unsolveable reason inside, that we will never know.
Adding some color black in the month of color red and green, is never a good feeling. And the old english gentleman makes himself a legend among all his students' heart now.
In memory of my english teacher, Mr. Francis Kong. And hope I have make no grammer mistake in my above writing.
九華名師 江之鈞 城門河自盡
死意已決 途人制止不果
任教45年 李柱銘同窗
江之鈞的英文名是Francis Kong,現年69歲,與立法會議員李柱銘分屬香港大學的同窗,畢業後在1960年加入九龍華仁書院任教,主要是教授英文科,4年前退休,但其後以義工身分,繼續在九龍華仁任教,充分顯露他春風化雨的決心。由於他40多年來一直在九龍華仁執教,因此桃李滿門,加以他的英文造詣甚深,以及十分平易近人,所以很多華仁畢業生都十分敬重這位英文老師。
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