Mind reading.

The vivid one asks why I always ask what's in front of her sight, what she looks at now, how she's thinking now, what's coming across her now. And I fell into deep thought, about "why I ask her", this question.
And I re-confirm again that, if this kind of curiosity left me, all my ability to think, to write and to create will leave me all at once. When the curiosity left and I am nobody then.
To read a book, to watch a movie, to listen to music, to look at a drawing, to praise some graphix, all those above mentioned activities, for me, comes from my curiosity to read others' mind. Yes, mind reading.
Everyone has his own 2 eyes and 1 brain. I not only care my own perceptions, but also others, for i can communicate better wif the one I want to communicate better.
And I must state clearly that, I will just ask this kind of question to someone I rate high.
By the way, it's a big blow, and i am quite stupid enough. U know what I mean.
i love being john malkovich so much, and i have this poster:)
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